EOI: Lead Artists for Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment

Expressions of Interest (EOI) Form Lead Artists for Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment: new Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit and Emergency Department upgrade
EOI closes 11:59pm, Sunday 18th August 2024
EOI-Application-Form_Health-Infrastructure.pdf(PDF, 145KB)
About the Project
On behalf of NSW Health Infrastructure and Far West Local Health District (FWLHD), West Darling Arts (WDA) and the Broken Hill City Art Gallery (BHCAG) are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for two Lead Artists to support the integration of arts into the redevelopment of the Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIPU) and Emergency Department (ED) at Broken Hill Hospital.
The arts project will be guided by an overarching theme ‘Songlines and Storytelling’, a theme that emerged from community consultation with the local Arts Working Group for the project.
The Lead Artists will work closely with the WDA and BHCAG teams, and a project Cultural Advisor, to make new work and facilitate community workshops to inform four key art components in the redevelopment.
These components are:
- Framed artworks to be installed in communal areas of the MHIPU and ED
- Wallpaper graphics for the MHIPU and ED
- External artwork for entryway and courtyard (mural or banners) of the MHIPU
- Creative resources to be available in the ED waiting room and MHIPU family room
This is a paid, contract position and will entail irregular and out-of-business hours from August to December 2024. You will be directly supported by WDA and BHCAG staff and time commitments and fees are negotiable on contract.
Each Lead Artist will be paid a fee to lead the creative development, make original new work and facilitate the community works. WDA and BHCAG will cover additional costs including venue hire, catering, materials etc.
About You
This EOI is seeking artists that:
- Are based in the Far West Local Health District
- Are experienced working with two-dimensional mediums (printmaking, drawing, painting, photography, collage)
- Engage with themes of the natural and built environment, wellbeing and healing, multiculturalism and/or histories of Far West NSW
- Have an interest in collaborating with other professional and emerging artists
- Have experience or confidence in running workshops, supported by WDA and BHCAG staff as needed
- Are available to work intermittently on the project from August to December 2024
- Can meet the delivery deadline of end December 2024
About the Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment
In April 2022, the NSW Government announced the Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment. It includes the construction of an enhanced Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit (MHIPU), which is being delivered as part of the NSW Government’s Statewide Mental Health Infrastructure Program (SWMHIP). The new facility will provide a modern, contemporary, and culturally safe therapeutic space with co-designed facilities for people with mental health needs, their families, carers and staff.
It also includes a $12 million upgrade to the hospital’s Emergency Department (ED), which will be reconfigured to better meet the critical health needs of the region and includes tailored treatment spaces for children and those requiring mental health services.
The redevelopment is committed to providing a sense of cultural safety and warm welcome to consumers, staff, families, and carers, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. More information can be found online here.
To be eligible to apply you must be an artist based in the Far West Local Health District.
Application Process
EOI opens Wednesday 17th July 2024
EOI closes 11:59pm, Sunday 18th August 2024
Applicants must complete the EOI form. This can be accessed as a downloadable PDF(PDF, 145KB) form or in person at the West Darling Arts office (242 Blende Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880).
To apply via email:
Submit your completed EOI form, a CV or biography, and up to 10 images of previous work to West Darling Arts Project Officer at projectofficer@westdarlingarts.com.au. Please include ‘EOI Broken Hill Health Infrastructure’ in the subject line.
To apply in person:
Email Kathryn Graham, Broken Hill City Art Gallery, kathryn.graham@brokenhill.nsw.gov.au or Hester Lyon, West Darling Arts, projectofficer@westdarlingarts.com.au to book in a time to apply in person.
Assessment Process
The applications will be reviewed by the Broken Hill Health Service Redevelopment Arts Working Group, comprising representatives of Health Infrastructure and Far West Local Health District, local First Nations artists, West Darling Arts and Broken Hill City Art Gallery.
Selection Criteria
This project is seeking to appoint one Aboriginal and one non-Aboriginal artist to the project. Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
- Artistic merit
- Capacity to deliver the artwork and lead workshops
- Work in a style complementary to health care environments: calming and restorative
- Demonstrated capacity to work with community, LHD and engage with emerging creative practitioners
Contact Information
If you require more information or have questions about this EOI please contact Hester Lyon, West Darling Arts (projectofficer@westdarlingarts.com.au; 08 8087 9035) or Kathryn Graham, Broken Hill City Art Gallery (kathryn.graham@brokenhill.nsw.gov.au; 08 8080 3113)